Zephyr’s Helium Referral Program
Get paid just for knowing people!

About Zephyr’s helium referral program
Zephyr’s helium referral program pays bonuses to any individual that refers our company for national, regional, and/or local helium delivery to companies and stores. If you know someone in a buying capacity for a company that sells helium balloons and it leads to a Zephyr service agreement, we’ll send you a check! There is no other helium referral program out there that makes money this easy!
The most recent helium referral program payout we sent was for: $8,000!
Types of customers Zephyr works with:
Think about your contacts and your friends lists: Odds are, you know someone that fits this profile. We accept all kinds of helium referrals, but to help give you an idea of some the types of customers we supply helium to:
- Retail chains
- Grocery stores
- Drug stores
- Party stores
- Entertainers
- Marketing & ad agencies
- Corporate buyers
- Balloon companies
How the helium referral program works:
FIRST: Fill the form out on this page. You’re done! No, seriously, that’s all you do.
SECOND: We’ll contact the person you’ve referred.
NEXT: If we can secure a standard, 5 yr. service agreement with that company…
THEN: We will email you and ask where you’d like us to send your check!
Money, just for sending an email? You bet it can be that easy. So consider your contact list- with Zephyr’s helium referral program, an email address could be worth thousands of dollars to you!
About Zephyr Helium
Zephyr wholesale helium is an industrial-grade helium gas with a purity of 99.99%. Zephyr supplies helium to large retail chains as well as individual high-volume stores all across the planet and is the only wholesale helium supplier with a national distribution network throughout all 50 states. Click for more information.