Zephyr’s Propane Referral Program
Get paid just for knowing people!

About Zephyr’s propane referral program
Zephyr’s propane referral program pays bonuses to anyone that refers our company for national, regional, and/or local propane delivery to companies and stores. If you know someone in a buying capacity for propane for forklifts, floor buffers, or floor burnishers, and it leads to a Zephyr service agreement, we will write you a check. Simple!
Ideal propane referral program candidates:
Zephyr accepts all referrals for companies and industries that require propane as a fuel for their fleet of forklifts, floor buffers, or floor burnishers. Zephyr does not buy or sell personal propane tanks, such as those commonly used for grilling or other residential purposes.
How the propane referral program works:
FIRST: Fill the form out on this page. You’re done!
SECOND: We’ll contact the person you’ve referred.
NEXT: If we can secure a standard, 5 yr. service agreement with that company…
THEN: We will email you and ask where you’d like us to send your check!
Money, just for sending an email? You bet it can be that easy. So consider your contact list- with Zephyr’s propane referral program, an email address could be worth thousands of dollars to you!
About Zephyr Propane
Zephyr supplies 20-pound floor buffer propane tanks and 33-pound forklift propane tanks to major retail chains and high-volume businesses across North America. Zephyr can also fill 1000-gallon tanks on-site and provide brand new, secure, key-lock cages. Click for more information.