1-877-ASKZEPHYR (275-9374)   |   Mon-Fri 8a – 5p
A leading supplier of wholesale industrial gas
1-877-ASKZEPHYR (275-9374)   |   Mon-Fri 8a – 5p
How to choose an industrial propane supplier

How to choose an industrial propane supplier

In this guide, we’ll show you what to know and what to ask when choosing your new industrial propane supplier — even if it’s not us. The first thing everyone asks when seeking out a new industrial propane supplier is, “how much?” And rightly so. Price is...
Propane for floor burnishers – Ask Zephyr

Propane for floor burnishers – Ask Zephyr

There’s little debate that propane for floor burnishers and buffers is the best option for powering your machines. Here’s why, and how to maintain supply.   Propane for floor burnishers and buffers vs. electric Let’s come straight out with it —...